Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Job Interviews

Oh. My. Gosh.

I am SO tired of job interviews! Can we just fast forward to when I'm making money acting? That would be super fabulous! Anyway, as I'm paying my dues with background work and small speaking roles and not making much money doing it, the job hunt continues! It seemed like these two interviews were going to be promising...not so much. Nothing really turns out the way you think it will, does it?

Let's start with interview #1-- tanning salon. My interview was at 7:15pm and I showed up at 7:00pm. I didn't think it was a big deal, if anything I thought that showing up early to an interview would be a GOOD thing. Apparently not for this lady! She looked at her watch and said, "Go wait in your car...you can come back in at your interview time". Umm...EXCUSE ME?! I had to take a few deep breaths so I didn't punch her in her face. I walked out to my car...and drove off. End of interview #1.

Interview #2 seemed like it would be promising; I had already been offered a job at this store in its Herald Square location, now I was just meeting with the other store to see if I could get hired on there. Seeing as Herald Square is their #1 store in the world, I figured since I got hired on by them, I could get hired anywhere! Anyway, I get to my interview and the first thing they tell me is, "We have already hired all of our Holiday sales people and we're not sure if we are going to be able to train you". THEN WHY DID YOU HAVE ME COME IN FOR AN INTERVIEW IF YOU CAN'T TRAIN ME?!?!?! This is what I felt like yelling at them, but no worries-- I kept my cool. I went through the hour interview and they said they would call me in a few days to let me know if they'd be able to squeeze in my training or not. End of interview #2 and my faith in humanity.

I'm just so done with interviews. I just need to get a job so I can make money, live in NYC happily, and audition, audition, audition! It's turning out to be just a bit harder than anticipated. I'm trying to keep the faith that it will come together but I seriously hate wasting my time.


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